Spire is on-chain lore, structured as a unique Proof-of-Competition storyline. Creative contributions such as artwork, music, and writing are produced via contests, with winning submissions automatically minted NFTs. This is essentially a lore blockchain inside a smart contract, with each partner team receiving its own ready-to-use “spire”. Each spire has a built-in governance structure, facilitated by artwork and lore NFTs, empowering the community to influence the ongoing narrative. Partner teams select winners for all contests in their spire, retaining control over the direction of their game’s story.
Spire Thesis:
Spire empowers communities to co-create and contribute to a decentralized and ever-evolving narrative within the Treasure ecosystem, fostering long-term engagement and sustainable growth.
How will Spire benefit the Treasure ecosystem?
Structured Universe Building: Spire provides a framework for individual project games to become a well-thought-out planet within the Treasure universe.
Rich and Organized Lore: Spire helps project founders craft captivating and organized mythologies, enhancing player engagement and retention.
Community Involvement: Spire fosters a sense of belonging and loyalty among players, driving long-term engagement.
Semi-Decentralized Storytelling: Spire balances community creativity with the need for coherence in the overall project narrative.
Treasure Sink: Spire uses T5 treasures to add scarcity and value to tokens.
Digital history/Memorabilia: Spire helps document the digital history of partner projects, creating valuable collectibles.
Platform for Artists: Spire provides a dedicated platform for artists to hone their craft and build portfolios of sellable work.
Continuous Evolution: Spire enables the continuous evolution of the game’s narrative, keeping players engaged.
Game Development Support: Lore and artwork offer creative support for a team’s game development brainstorming, providing new ideas for game battles, quest pathways, and more.
Community Engagement: Spire ensures ongoing community engagement even during behind-the-scenes game developments.
Requested support:
**Funds for: **
Launch of and maintenance of affordable Spires for 3 Treasure ecosystem games. Further development of Echo competitions to include Audio, animation, etc. Marketing to reach and onboard a wider pool of creators in and out of the ecosystem.
Integration Support:
Spire badge on Trove for submitting to, and winning a competition. Spire collection listing, or Spire partner project collection listing on Trove
Connections: Help establish new relationships with Treasure partners.
Total funding requested: $20,000 USD in MAGIC unlocked in three phases.
Timeline and Milestones:
Milestone 1 ($9,000): Second Treasure Partnership Curate six high-quality lore pieces and corresponding NFT artwork. Perform live event in partner’s Discord. Deploy partner’s Spire smart contract. Assist partner by facilitating participation and management and technical support. 300 cumulative approved submissions across both Spires. 35 completed contests.
Milestone 2 ($6,000) : Third Treasure Partnership Similar to Milestone 1. 500 cumulative approved submissions across all three Spires. 65 completed contests.
Milestone 3 ($5,000): Fourth Treasure Partnership Similar to Milestone 1. 800 cumulative approved submissions across all four Spires. 100 completed contests. Whitepaper for Spire decentralization plan completed & ready for review.
Zach - Founder Founder; formerly professional poker player; self-published author (Kindle, various short stories); currently specializing in game theory, developing on-chain systems, video game history & mythology
Nate - Fiction writer & marketer; Crafted off-chain lore for Bridgeworld, Smolverse, KOTE, Shredding Sassy, Project Godjira, and on-chain lore for the Realm Spire
Jesse - Fiction writer; focus on world-building with AI & web3 storytelling; crafted off-chain lore for various Treasure ecosystem partners & on-chain for the Realm Spire
Supriyo - Technical Product Manager Software engineering & Product Design background; Ethereum native since 2018; Hyype Founder; Previously, led product & design at Alexa; Currently founder at Atrium, curating web3 multimedia
Harry - Project Manager 2 yea at a London-based financial institution; 1 year as founder associate at a successful global trade startup; specialization in systematization and innovation
Austin - Solidity Developer; Smart contract developer, Ethereum native dev
Number of Genesis Texts written and minted. Number of live events in partner discords. Number of deployed Spire smart contracts. Number of approved submissions across all Spires. Number of completed contests. Completion of the Spire decentralization plan whitepaper.
Next Steps:
Secure funding from Treasure DAO. Partner with additional Treasure ecosystem projects. Launch and manage Spire instances for partner projects. Enhance platform functionality to include multimedia contests. Develop a holistic tokenomics system for Spire.
Spire is a valuable addition to the Treasure ecosystem, offering unique storytelling experiences that benefit both community members and project founders. We are confident that with Treasure DAO’s support, Spire will achieve its full potential and become a leading platform for on-chain storytelling and creative expression.
Additional Materials:
Spire website: Medium article: Spire: On-Chain Mythology. Spire is a collaborative world-building… | by memerberries (For Adventurers) (👻,🐧) | Medium Interactive Spire visual for Realm: SPIRE | Realm - Spire Visual Promo video for first Spire launch:
Dapp screenshots:
Please feel free to contact us with any questions or requests for further information.