Community Grants Program Framework

Migrated and updated on December 1, 2023.

The Treasure Community Grants Program aims to provide incentives to reward community contributors who are working to strengthen and improve the broader Treasure ecosystem through means outside of building game cartridges. This includes creating public goods, more tooling and infrastructure, providing data and analytics solutions, supporting education and growth initiatives, and more.

To stand up the new Community Grants Program, Treasure has:

  1. Earmarked the use of 750k MAGIC for the program’s first year to fund the completion of bounties by community contributors; and
  2. Confirmed the initial Community Grants Council.

:dart: High-Level Process

  1. Submit Grant Proposal in Treasure’s governance forum in the Community Grants section
  2. Community Grants Council members review submitted Grant Proposals to provide feedback based on their assessment framework
  3. If a Grant Proposal is approved, the Proposer will be required to KYC to the Treasure DAO core council and sign a Grant Agreement,
  4. The Proposer will be required to provide updates to the Community Grants Council members and post in the original Grant Proposal post in order for parties to assess the completion of the Grant Proposal against indicated acceptance criteria.
  5. Community Grants Council members will transfer the grant amount to the Proposer upon the completion of the Grant Proposal or based upon achieved milestones as discussed and mutually agreed upon.

:clipboard: Submission Process

Grant Proposals can be submitted in Treasure’s governance forum by (1) the TreasureDAO core council; and (2) the Community Grants Council members and community at-large.

Council Proposals

  • Grant Proposals originated by the TreasureDAO core council will automatically be approved.

Community Proposals

  • Grant Proposals submitted by the broader community will be open for discussion on the governance forum and will be required to go through an informal poll. In order for the Grant Proposal to be approved, the requirements are as follows:
  • at least two Community Grants Council members must be made aware of the proposal and approve its contents;
  • the proposal must be live for at least two days;
  • the proposal must receive at least five posts from different community members to ensure sufficient engagement; and
  • it must receive majority FOR in the informal poll by Treasure community.
  • The acceptance of the proposal will be at the discretion of the Community Grants Council with the grant amount subject to final approval by the TreasureDAO core council.

Grantable Initiatives

Indicative Grant Categories

  • Creative - Art, Storytelling & World-building: Expand upon and visualize the Treasure ecosystem through its lore, storytelling, and art.
  • Localization: Translate Treasure websites, resources, game guides, and more to make Treasure more accessible to the non-English speaking world.
  • **Infrastructure & Tooling: **Develop key tooling, UI, dashboards, and more to expand the infrastructure stack and equip game builders with everything they need to build on top of the Treasure.
  • Other: Other proposals that may not fit the above.

Submission Template


A simple description of the proposal and its desired end result; should be no more than a few succinct sentences.


Explain why this proposal is necessary or useful for the DAO. The author is encouraged to add visual elements such as charts to support their arguments.

Acceptance Criteria

Present a set of predefined requirements that must be satisfied in order for the Grant Proposal to be deemed as complete and eligible for a grant/bounty amount from Treasure.

Other Details

Provide other details that may be pertinent for review and consideration, including timeline, team, desired grant amount, etc.

:mag_right: Review Process

Beyond receiving ongoing input from the community which is required during the initial submission process (minimum of five posts and twenty upvotes), each Grant Proposal will be reviewed by members of the Community Grants Council to approve, provide feedback, and/or reject community submissions.

Community Grants Council

  1. Square Jordan
  2. 0X_HODL
  3. Karel
  4. Gaarp
  5. X

Assessment Framework

The following questions are graded on a scale of 1-4 (Strong No / No / Yes / Strong Yes) with an accompanying qualitative response:

  • Is the Grant Proposal unique and is there a need or urgency for it?
  • Is the submitter/team capable of delivering and executing against the Grant Proposal based on their abilities and/or qualifications?
  • Is the submitted deadline realistic or does it need to be revised?
  • Is the proposed grant amount realistic?

Grant & Bounty Methodology

For the first year of the community grants program, Treasure has committed 750k MAGIC to fund the completion of bounties or initiatives conceived built by or in partnership with the community and the Treasure council.

Grant Methodology

The grants may be issued in three different ways, depending on the complexity and structure of the project:

  1. 100% upon completion;
  2. Mix of upfront and upon completion; or
  3. Milestone-based (mutually agreed upon).

Bounty Amounts

The bounty amount is largely dependent on the complexity of the Grant Proposal with its accompanying time, effort, and capital requirements.

For instance, the highest grant amount paid out to-date was for the development of a Bridgeworld Econometrics Dashboard was 7.5k MAGIC. As another example, we provided grant of 500 MAGIC to two lore writers for a Discord community-driven “create your own adventure” event.

MAGIC amounts previously approved will be pegged to the USD price at the time of the approval.

:ledger: Disclaimers

  • The TreasureDAO Community Grants Program is an experimental program that could change at any time.
  • The TreasureDAO Council has the right to revoke the approval of Grant Proposals based on material strategic priority shifts and changes within the ecosystem and the Community Grants Program, material changes to Grant Proposals, violations of the Code of Conduct, and any other forms of abuse that may negatively affect the TreasureDAO ecosystem.