As one of the first TIP09 cartridge partners, Tales of Elleria serves as a leading example in TreasureDAO’s vision of becoming an integrated network of metaverses (a “gigaverse”) and decentralised Nintendo. This proposal aims to list Ellerium ($ELM), the in-game currency of Tales of Elleria on Magicswap, a community driven AMM for TreasureDAO ecosystem projects.
Description Tales of Elleria introduces an innovative gasless approach to online role-playing games where players can summon heroes, take on assignments, go on quests and epic adventures to obtain bountiful rewards.
Team Team size is currently about 11 pax. (14 including mods)
**Token ** Ellerium ($ELM) is the main currency of the game and can be used to:
- Disassemble Items and Loot
- Craft Consumables and Artifacts
- Mint Equipment
- Upgrade Heroes
- take $ELM to earn buffs
Liquidity Strategy Tales of Elleria plans to utilise a locked LP staking mechanism where users are able to obtain certain buffs in game for providing liquidity to the LP. They also plan to have multiple sinks for $ELM in the game to incentivise people to buy $ELM from the AMM
Benefit to TreasureDAO Tales of Elleria plans on building deep integrations with MAGIC and Treasures, including:
- MAGIC sinks where players purchase exclusive relics used in crafting Artifacts, Consumables and Equipment.
- World Boss competitions and leaderboards require MAGIC for entry tickets (either crafted using MAGIC or bought using MAGIC).
- Integration of Treasure NFTs into Tales of Elleria as gameplay boosting mechanics (indicative, pending discussions with TreasureDAO)
- Integration of Treasures into the crafting system, which allows players to craft tiers of equipment and consumables (indicative, pending discussions with TreasureDAO)
- List $ELM on Magicswap
- Abstain from listing for now