TIP-31: Migration of L1 Treasures


In line with the RFC and detailed discussion post to migrate the L1 Treasures, the Treasure core council would like to move the proposal to an informal vote by the community. Notably, we propose that we migrate Treasures on L1 to Arbitrum One by airdropping holders of L1 Treasures, their equivalent on Arbitrum One in the form of new Soulbound Treasures that can be used to unlock Treasures through gameplay and a new “Treasure Essence” system.


Please see this link for detailed rationale as provided in the RFC.


(1) Delisting and taking snapshot of holders of L1 Treasures

The Treasure team proposes taking a snapshot of L1 Treasure NFT holders while requesting OpenSea to delist the original collection. The snapshot will be taken on an undetermined date on or around the time OpenSea delists the collection.

(2) Airdrop Soulbound Treasures on Arbitrum to holders of L1 Treasures

Based on the snapshot, all holders of the L1 Treasure NFTs will be airdropped individual Soulbound versions of their Treasure NFTs on Arbitrum One (in accordance with each of the 8 words contained within the L1 Treasure NFTs).

ie. If the user held a “Dragon Tail” on L1, they will receive a Soulbound “Dragon Tail” on Arbitrum One.

(3) Award Players with Treasure Essence through gameplay

Users who break Treasures while playing Bridgeworld as well as participating Treasure ecosystem games will be awarded with a Treasure Essence of the tier of the accompanying broken Treasure. Specific Treasures do not need to be broken in order to claim their equivalent from the Soulbound Treasures collection.

For example, if a user has broken 2x Grins, 4x Castles (T1 Treasure), and 8x Dragon Tails (T5 Treasure), they will have collected the following Treasure Essence:

grin: 2, honeycomb: 0, t1: 4, t2: 0, t3: 0, t4: 0, t5: 8, }

This user will be able to redeem 2x Grin, 4x T1 Treasures, and 8x T5 Treasures from their collection of Soulbound Treasures, minting a Treasure that can be used in-game or sold on the Treasure marketplace. By redeeming a Treasure, the Essence of that Treasure tier will be decremented and the Soulbound Treasure will be removed (or decreased by one) from the address.

(4) Providing Burn Utility to Additional Items

In addition to the Treasure Essence system, we also propose allowing users to burn various items to increment Essences:

  • Essence of Grin → +1 Grin Essence
  • Essence of Honeycomb → +1 Honeycomb Essence
  • 3x Universal Keys → +1 Grin or Honeycomb Essence (subject to balancing!)

Moreover, it is also proposed that when Corruption in the Forge is High, users should be able to burn Universal Keys for Treasure Essence, with higher levels corresponding to a higher conversion rate.

For example, at Forge Corruption Level 0, no conversions are enabled. At Forge Corruption Level 1, a user may be able to burn a Universal Key for:

  • +1 T3 Essence or
  • +2 T4 Essence or
  • +3 T5 Essence

…and at level Forge Corruption Level 6, a user can burn a Universal Key and receive:

  • +4 T1 Essence or
  • +5 T2 Essence or
  • +6 T3 Essence or
  • +7 T4 Essence or
  • +8 T5 Essence

The exact number of awarded Essence is indicative and will be subject to ongoing economic balancing.

For the avoidance of doubt, users must have Soulbound Treasures in order to redeem any Treasure Essence across Grin, Honeycomb, and Tiers 1-5. This is to prevent unhappy accidents where burns of Universal Keys are useless for a player without Soulbound Treasures.

In order to redeem a new Treasure using Treasure Essence or to burn a Universal Key in exchange for Treasure Essence, a new section of the Forge is also being proposed to be developed.

Polling Period

The polling process begins now and will end on October 30, 2023 at 2:15pm EST (see local time). If quorum is reached, a Snapshot vote will be put up shortly thereafter.